This week was outstanding on the water. I had a wonderful time taking out long time clients, Brian and Nancy Johnson. Our trip started in the late afternoon around 4:30, we traveled to a small restaurant on North Captiva called Barnacle Phil's, a favorite local watering hole, known for its black beans and rice. After a delicious early dinner we traveled to Cayo Costa to go shell collecting. The low tide was extremely low at 7:30pm with the full moon. We collected shells on the beach the hour before and after the low tide. The beach was empty of people and the sunset was full of life. I have never seen a bad sunset from the beach at Cayo Costa. We found live starfish and lightning whelks, took pictures of both and promptly put them back in the water. The beach was full of solitude. After the sunset we walked back toward the boat as the moon was rising over the island. The quietness and the full moon reminded me of a stretch of beach I enjoyed in the Ten Thousand Islands four moons ago. Brian , Nancy and I followed the moonbeam on the water south back to Captiva. Some trips you can plan and they work out great, other trips, the surroundings take over and the trip leads itself. This trip, the tides and moon lead the way, all the way back to where we began.