Fourteen hours after landing on the tarmac in Miami, I was back on the water and traveling to Cayo Costa. I had a four hour charter that lasted five. The weather was great and the people even better. Jenny, Kristi, Adam, and Wes had a relaxing time island hoping. We started the morning at Cayo Costa in search of olive shells. We were successful right away. Jennifer is a photographer and she took some great photos of the beach and also of my boat. We had a fun time talking shop on photography and I learned a lot from our conversations. We then traveled to North Captiva where we had a delicious lunch. On our way out of Safety Harbor we spotted a bottle nose dolphin in three feet of water. I turned the boat off and we drifted with the tide and observed this dolphin. The dolphin swam up to the boat while we were drifting. It was amazing and the closest I have ever been to a dolphin in the wild. The dolphin swam away after observing it for 10 minutes. Unbelievable, you never know what you might see! Our next stop was Cabbage Key. The crew had a couple of Coronas and soaked in the island atmosphere. The trip back to Captiva was under a sunny sky and on a calm sheet of azure water. The trip was pleasurable and the people were great. Jenny took all of the photos in this blog except for the group shot. Thanks Jenny!
Capt. Brian