What an extraordinary family- Corey, Kim, Graham, Chloe, Quincy and Wren. I have enjoyed this family for many years, they are always positive and their glass is always half full. We had a blast collecting fighting conchs (and there were many) and exploring the mudflats. We walked the beaches in a remote area collecting the conchs, when Wren said, "Captain Brian can we go back to the swamp?" So the swamp it was. We returned to where we started and the girls got to play with live hermit crabs and make little corrals for them before letting them go. Kim found a beautiful lightning whelk. Corey was happy to just be there and enjoy his family. I was happy to be a part of this family's memories.
Immerse in an ECO-Tour and Experience Southwest Florida Islands by Boat
You will come away with great enjoyment and a new understanding of this beautiful place and its history.”
Historian, Betty Anholt
Author of Sanibel’s Story