Immerse in an ECO-Tour and Experience Southwest Florida Islands by Boat

“Captain Brian Holaway is well versed in the intricacies of our unmatched locale. He can guide to and through a multitude of out-of-the way tidal creeks, bayous, keys and islands. More important is his passionate interest and respect for the region. With unique insights from his many explorations and his studies, not only does he identify the birds and wildlife that inhabit our semi-tropical watery land, but he explains their interconnectedness to their environment and each other. In addition, he shares the fascinating history of rugged people who came long before us: Florida Native Indians, the Calusa, the Spanish, the Cubans, early homesteaders, and the wisdom evident in the growth of their culture.

You will come away with great enjoyment and a new understanding of this beautiful place and its history.”

Historian, Betty Anholt
Author of Sanibel’s Story

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Captain Brian's Finds Of The Week

The wind last weekend blew extremely hard out of the west and northwest. Some gusts at Boca Grande were up to 60 mph. The gulf was a mess. The high winds brought in many shells. It can take a few days for things to settle down. When it does and the seas are calm, is when the shelling can be really good. The trough where the shore meets the sea is loaded with shells.  I am looking forward to exploring the trough on my favorite beach for the next three days. I was very excited to find a Scotch Bonnet, a piece of Junonia and even more excited to find a piece of a Helmet Shell. I found a piece of a Helmet Shell 16 years ago, ironically in the same spot. The sea never ceases to amaze me. The power of the surf is tantalizing. However, I was thinking different thoughts while out in the middle of this wind. Just me and Van Morrison, who was singing me "Into The Mystic".


Kim@Snug Harbor said...

"Into the Mystic" is one of my favorite songs. Great shells. I'm looking forward to seeing what you find in the next few days.

Capt. Brian Holaway said...

One of my favorite songs too Kim. Van get's a lot of playing when I am in heavy weather. He always seems to sing me back to a safe port.

pam @ i Love Shelling said...

I loooove that song too!!! I was asked the question one time (by Michael McMillan- Im sure you know him!) "if you were stranded on a deserted island and you could only have one song...what would it be?" It was... Into The Mystic!!!

We might be out on the water tomorrow after see in your finds- Thanks Brian!

Stephanie said...

that scotch bonnet is sweet!

Roxanne Reinhart said...

That is a rather large Scotch bonnet. I cant wait to see what your other finds may be. You are so lucky to be able to hop in your boat and go to all the places that reach into your soul. And we are very lucky that you share them with us because they reach into our souls as well.

Moira said...

Love the shell finds! Hope some of that is still there next week!

Moira said...

Very cool Scotch Bonnet!